Cash flow is critical for just about all small business owners and invoice factoring plays a big role in keeping the cash flowing. You may or may not know about invoice factoring, but it’s a simple financial tool that free’s up your accounts receivables so you have cash immediately instead of waiting 30 to 60 days to get paid. Once you get on board with a selected invoice factoring company you submit your invoices and have cash the same day. The invoice factor then waits for payment from your customers. Instead of you being the bank for your customers you are outsourcing this function to the invoice factoring company.

- Factoring advances up to 99% of invoice face value
- Pick and choose the invoices you want to factor
- $10,000 to $10,000,000 factoring lines
- Cash available within 24 hours of issuing the invoice
- Factoring fee’s as low as 1%
- Experienced business finance professional to work with each client
- Most of our partners do not require any up front fee’s
- Take advantage of supplier discounts
- Pay off Debt or Taxes
- Fund Rapid Growth
- Get cash quickly for payroll
- Purchase inventory sooner and fill orders sooner
- Offer flexible payment terms
- Fund new marketing efforts
- Reinvest funds frozen in Accounts Receivables back into your business!