Do you need working capital while your company assets are all secured? Take a few minutes to learn more about our unsecured loan solutions.
Capital Quotes offers a very unique loan solution for a business needing an unsecured loan. We call this loan solution the cash flow loan. Any industry can qualify for up to a $500,000 loan size. The loan size is determined by your average monthly sales in dollars. The formula is 80% to 90% of your average monthly gross sales. Example, if your average monthly sales are $100,000 your possible unsecured loan size would be $80,000 to $90,000, depending on how the application looks.
Ready to Apply Now for your Unsecured Business Loan quote?

Who Qualifies for the Unsecured Business Loan:
- You must have been in business at least one year.
- Poor personal credit and limited business credit is OK.
- Business with assets already secured by other loans is OK.
- Merchants who accept credit cards and merchants who do not accept credit cards qualify.
- All industries are OK. You can sell to business, consumers, or both.
- Unsecured Business Loan sizes from $10,000 up to $700,000.
How Can I Use The Unsecured Business Loan:
One of the best features of the Unsecured Business Loan is the uses are determined by your business needs. If your business has an opportunity for growth, or needs new equipment this loan can provide a quick solution. Perhaps you need a new employee or new computers, or your a restaurant in need of new equipment. The unsecured business loan can provide solutions for all these needs. As with all business loans its critical that you put together projections to ensure your pay back to the business will exceed the cost of the unsecured business loan.
What is Needed For Approval and Funding
All we need is our one page application, 6 months of bank statements, and a copy of your most recently filed business tax return for approval and funding. We will have a loan decision ready for you within a few hours of receiving your application package. The unsecured business loan provides a very easy application process with limited paper work. Most unsecured business loans are funded within one week of receiving your OK on the proposal. This unsecured loan option can provide quick cash to grasp just about any business opportunity.